Finding yourself exhausted and at the end of your rope?
Because COVID-19 has caused major changes to our routines, self-care is even more of a necessity—and not a luxury. We need to consider what we can do to weather this storm and come out on the other side even stronger.
I’d like to invite you to join me for 5 days as we look at different aspects of self-care—
- physical
- mental/emotional
- spiritual
- social
I hope to encourage you to take a few steps toward taking good care of yourself. Then you will be ready to assist and support others.

Finding yourself exhausted and at the end of your rope?

Meet Deb Kalmbach~
Deb Kalmbach is an author, speaker and life coach who considers herself an “expert” in not-so-perfect marriages. She’s the first to admit that she’s learned a lot the hard way!
Deb is passionate about encouraging and empowering women to take one step forward, then another to find healing and wholeness in their lives and marriages. Real hope for real life is what she strives to communicate to her readers. She also finds offering hope through coaching can make all the difference in the lives of women who are struggling in life and marriage.
Deb and her husband Randy can see the half-century milestone (a miracle!) for their marriage on the horizon. They are proud parents/grandparents of two grown sons, one daughter-in-law, and two adorable grandchildren. Deb and Randy reside in a quaint seaport in Washington state.