by Deb | comfort, compassion, courage, encouragement, faith, grief, life, loss, natural diasters, suffering |
Courage is something I’ve thought about often during the past month–a commodity sorely needed by victims of Hurricane Harvey and Irma. Like many of us, I’ve witnessed the heartbreaking devastation of these storms as news channels have broadcast...
by Deb | faith, God's faithfulness, God's love, hope, life, love, loving others, marriage |
If you could wave a magic wand and make your marriage more of what you want it to be, what would you see? How would you and your spouse be interacting, communicating and relating? Our focus is so often on what is not working, we fail to consider what is working and...
by Deb | alcohol, drinking and driving, teens |
My friend shared her concerns on Facebook. The other night, a carload of teens sped past her house. Kids hung out the car windows, obviously drinking. My heart sank. Of course, with graduation coming up and the end of another school year, who doesn’t want to...
by Deb | children, encouragement, life, moms, Mother's Day, women |
I just spent the past several weeks with my hero, my mom. Diagnosed with colon cancer in December, she chose to have the surgical procedure–difficult under any circumstances, but especially at age 90. As her surgical team prepped her on that early Tuesday a.m.,...
by Deb | acceptance, aging parents, change, encouragement, faith, God's faithfulness, life |
Change is something I’ve always resisted. From the time I was 13- years old and my dad announced we were moving from my small Midwestern hometown to a quaint “village” in Pennsylvania, to all the current changes, including retiring from my day job....