12 Pearls of Christmas: Jesus Comforts How to Cope with Christmasby Stacie Ruth StoeltingLast night, I dreamed that God resurrected my beautiful adopted aunt, Mary Jo Hoffman. But morning renewed my mourning for her: Christmas trees, snow globes, and music greeted my...
A Tangible Reminderby Mary Byers Last year I read Me, Myself, & Bob: A True Story About Dreams, God, and Talking Vegetables by Phil Vischer, creator of the Veggie Tales video series. I was interested because my children grew up on Veggie Tales. But I was also...
12 Pearls of Christmas: Home COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMASby Virelle KidderMy mother had remarkable zeal for Christmas. Weeks in advance, she would come home from teaching school and bake late into the night. I helped clean the house and decorate the tree while my older...
LISTENING FOR CHRISTMASby Deb Kalmbach I used to be the queen of over-commitment, and December brought out the worst in this malady. It was as if I were poised at an imaginary starting line, and when I flipped the calendar page, I was off and running--the December...
12 Pearls of Christmas: Life BeautifulLife Beautifulby Margaret McSweeneyDuring a quiet moment after Thanksgiving, I started reading my parents' stack of love letters that I recently found in a storage box. As a Christmas gift to you, I would like to share my father's...
12 Pearls of Christmas: Gifts of Purpose Too Precious to Wearby Sarah SundinOne Christmas when my mother was a girl, she received a string of pearls from her father. Since her parents were divorced-an unusual situation in the 1950s-she treasured the pearls as a sign...
A Celebration of a Life Well-Lived
Last Sunday afternoon, our community gathered to pay tribute and say good-bye to our friend, Sean McCabe. The gray, drizzly weather matched my feelings as we waited quietly to enter Liberty Bell High School's gymnasium, packed with family and friends. His wife, Laura,...
No Strings Attached
I recently watched the movie The Soloist, a moving true story of Steve Lopez, a columnist for the Los Angeles Times and his friendship with Nathaniel Ayers, an enormously talented musician who is mentally ill and lives on one of L.A.'s most dangerous street...
Find Your Strongest Life by Marcus Buckingham
My mission is to help each person identify her strengths, take them seriously, and offer them to the world, states Marcus Buckingham in his new book, Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently (Thomas Nelson).My first thought:...
God’s Presence in the Dark Night
It's Saturday morning and I'm still wrapped in my bathrobe. Really, my favorite time of the week because I can sit quietly, no place to rush off to. Oh, there's plenty to do...get ready for winter projects, housework, all those chores that beg attention. But for...