Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart!
I recently had the opportunity to speak at a retreat. The theme for the weekend was "Walking with God." As I pondered how to narrow down such a broad subject, I finally settled on a scripture that has upheld me during many uncertain seasons in my life: Proverbs 3:5-6....

A Christmas Miracle: God’s Extravagant Love
A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about God's extravagant love. I reminisced about my experience one December when my boss and his wife treated the office staff to an afternoon of pure extravagance. Each of us enjoyed a massage, a manicure, and a facial--along with...

Too Blessed to be Stressed!
How do you spell S-T-R-E-S-S? Well, for starters, how about coping with 8+ months of a pandemic? Sometimes I still feel like I'm in a surreal horror movie--only the one that's been unfolding is all too real. Oh--and let's not forget to add in an agonizingly...

It’s All About Perspective! How to Cope with Situations Beyond Our Control
Does anyone out there need some hope and encouragement? You probably noticed we have just passed the halfway mark for 2020. In some ways, it seems like I blinked and 6 months have disappeared. In other ways, it feels more like the longest 6 months ever. A friend...

Finding Hope During the Pandemic
So much has happened since I last wrote on my blog. Who would've thought back in January, that a mere month or so in the future would bring such drastic changes to our lives with the Covid19 pandemic? In Washington state where I live (only 2 hours from the...

Fresh Start Bible Giveaway
Fresh Start Bible: Direction for Every Day I'll never forget when I received my first Bible. I was 28-years old and lived overseas with my husband Randy, stationed on Okinawa with the Air Force. My new friend Connie, whose husband worked with Randy, gifted me with the...

Persevere: Stay Steady for the Journey
Quite a few years ago, the church I was attending struggled through a tough season. Our senior pastor resigned because of inappropriate behavior. The church family felt devastated. Some believed it couldn't be true, while others left. The denomination brought...

Leaving a Legacy that Matters
I recently attended a celebration of life for my friend's mom who passed away several months ago. What struck me most was observing the rich legacy she had left, first through her three children, then her seven grandchildren, and now a gaggle of great grandkids....

The Next Step: Trusting God to Show You
Trusting God has been a theme for us this past year. In May 2018, we signed a real estate contract to sell our home. It all seemed unreal. We had sensed God's nudging to move closer to my mom and to our son, daughter-in-law, and two precious grandchildren. It had...
Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters
It's almost Mother's Day and I can't help but think how blessed I am by the wonderful relationship with my mom. About two years ago, I sensed the nudging that I've come to know as God's still small voice. Sometimes I'm more open to hearing than at other times! As I...