Recently, I’ve enjoyed being part of an online group of women who are passionate about pursuing God’s calling. I’m the matriarch of the group with each woman young enough to be my daughter! But I love hearing their hearts and how they’re seeking the Lord to use their gifts and talents in ways that bring glory to Him. And the surprising gift to me has been the affirmation that no matter where we are on life’s journey, God still has plans and purposes for us.

While being part of this energetic group, I just “happened” to pick up a book, Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl. (On second thought, I don’t think it’s a coincidence at all–God’s perfect timing!) Rebecca George writes an encouraging guide to stepping into what we believe God is calling us to do. Even though I might not feel like a “go-getter girl,” I have found this book inspiring and timely. It doesn’t matter your age, God’s calling on your life brings a sense of purpose and adventure. One thing I know for sure with my “vast” life experience–

Finding and following God's calling

Some questions discussed in “Do the Thing”

God uses us in amazing ways–beyond what we could ever imagine. It’s just a matter of believing this and then stepping with intention into the direction of “the thing,” what the author calls these dreams or “glory goals.”


A glory goal is our attempt to clearly communicate our faith through our actions: This is how I am using my gifts and talents to advance the kingdom and bring God glory. –Rebecca George

God’s Work in You

Rebecca immediately draws you in with her easy, down-to-earth style and stories that give you a clear picture of what she’s communicating. I’m not a runner, but her story about training for a marathon resonates with me. Sometimes life is hard. Even though you may launch off the starting line with  enthusiasm, there may come a point where you feel like you’ve hit the wall. You’ve run out of gas and you wonder why you started in the first place. She encourages. Keep showing up. Every day. Because God’s work in you is worth it. God’s glory made known on this side of eternity is worth it. 

This interactive book includes space at the end of each chapter for your ponderings. In addition, prayer prompts, scripture reflection, goals, gumption and grace provide a place for readers to record their insights. Six video sessions accompany the book and help you get to know and appreciate the author even more. Do the Thing, a delightful read, has dovetailed beautifully with the wisdom of the young women in my small online group. God is most definitely at work in and through this younger generation of godly women. As a result, I am inspired to continue doing “the thing” God is calling me to do in my life!

Book Giveaway

I’m pleased to have one copy of Do the Thing to give away. Just send me a quick response if you’re interested in being in the drawing!

I’m praying for you to be inspired to find “the thing” God is calling you to do–and then step out in faith to do it!   






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