by Deb | Al-Anon, alcoholism, compassion, difficult relationships, encouragement, faith, gratitude, loving others, marriage, recovery, Sheila Walsh |
The half hour drive from Meridian, Idaho to Boise seemed like the longest of my life. Late one night, I packed our 10 and 7-year old sons in the car with me to escape the turmoil at home. My husband Randy had been drinking again. I suspected that he was an alcoholic....
by Deb | alcoholism, difficult relationships, encouragement, forgiveness, grace, loving others, marriage, perseverance, reconciliation, recovery, substance abuse |
I used to think it was all Randy’s fault. If only he’d stop drinking, then we (or most importantly) I could be happy. I also thought I could change him. I could make him want to stay sober. I used ultimatums (you’d better stop drinking or…I’ll leave you…I’ll file for...