by Deb | children, grandchildren, legacy |
I recently attended a celebration of life for my friend’s mom who passed away several months ago. What struck me most was observing the rich legacy she had left, first through her three children, then her seven grandchildren, and now a gaggle of great grandkids....
by Deb | change, faith, trusting God |
Trusting God has been a theme for us this past year. In May 2018, we signed a real estate contract to sell our home. It all seemed unreal. We had sensed God’s nudging to move closer to my mom and to our son, daughter-in-law, and two precious grandchildren. It...
by Deb | daughters, Mother's Day, mothers, restoration |
It’s almost Mother’s Day and I can’t help but think how blessed I am by the wonderful relationship with my mom. About two years ago, I sensed the nudging that I’ve come to know as God’s still small voice. Sometimes I’m more open to...
by Deb | alcoholism, marriage |
When I got married at the tender age of eighteen, I had the most unrealistic expectations about marriage. I’d bought into our culture’s idea about love. In 1970 (which seems like eons ago), the trendy advice for couples was all you need is love…all together now!...
by Deb | greatness, women of faith |
Have you ever wondered what contributes to greatness in a person’s life? I recently read Eric Metaxas’ excellent book, Seven Women and the Secret of Their Greatness. Some of the women’s stories were familiar: Joan of Arc, Susanna Wesley, Corrie ten...