A Lesson In Gratitude and Giving
I had read the announcement in our church’s bulletin many times: Ministry at the Lee Hotel every Tuesday night. The Lee Hotel had been converted into a home for men and women who were one step away from homelessness. Local churches brought meals to encourage the...
You’ll love this devotional book!
I enjoy sharing some of the gems I come across in my reading, and this book is no exception. The title, Gimme Some Sugar: 90 Devotions to Sweeten Your Day in a Godly Way, immediately drew me in. Author Linda Kozar, who hails from Texas, has written a delightful...

“Let’s Be Friends” Book Giveaway!
A few weeks before Christmas, my husband Randy and I tuned in to a livestream to watch our 11-year-old granddaughter's 6th grade choir concert. Despite a slightly fuzzy picture, there she was—what a gift to enjoy the concert from our living room over two hours away!...

December Dash: Finding Christmas Simplicity and Joy
Once upon a time, I used to be the queen of over-commitment, especially during December as I prepared for Christmas. It felt like I stood at an imaginary starting line, and as soon as I flipped the calendar page, I was off and running — the December dash! I had...

The Gift of a Father’s Influence
With Father's Day on the horizon, I think of my dad and how much I miss him. When I wrote this article for the Spokesman Review 20 years ago (really?), I realized my time with Dad had limits. I would have 12 more Father's Day celebrations before Dad passed away. Not...

God’s Rescue Plan for Our Marriage
A recent trip to Boise, Idaho got me thinking about God's rescue plan for our marriage. Randy and I had traveled there for a friend's wedding. I always enjoy road trips--and this was no exception! On our way home, we drove through the cute mountain town, McCall. We...

Expressing Love and Gratitude: A Review of “I Love You, Mom!”
On a recent flight to Phoenix to visit our son, I read the most beautiful book that expresses love and gratitude for moms. Very timely with Mother's Day right around the corner! I had received a copy of I Love You, Mom! Cherished word gifts from my heart to yours the...

Do the Thing: Finding and Following God’s Calling
Recently, I've enjoyed being part of an online group of women who are passionate about pursuing God's calling. I'm the matriarch of the group with each woman young enough to be my daughter! But I love hearing their hearts and how they're seeking the Lord to use their...

Marriage: Giving Thanks for the Slow Work of God
When I posted this picture of Randy and me on Facebook a few months ago, an old Air Force friend commented, "Randy, you look like a guy who's won life's lottery!" I laughed to myself, thinking of the long, slow work of God that brought us to this time. Those beaming...

The Art of Apology
I recently had the privilege of presenting a workshop titled "The Art of Apology." I used the word...