A Lesson In Gratitude and Giving

A Lesson In Gratitude and Giving

I had read the announcement in our church’s bulletin many times: Ministry at the Lee Hotel every Tuesday night. The Lee Hotel had been converted into a home for men and women who were one step away from homelessness. Local churches brought meals to encourage the...

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“Let’s Be Friends” Book Giveaway!

“Let’s Be Friends” Book Giveaway!

A  few weeks before Christmas, my husband Randy and I tuned in to a livestream to watch our 11-year-old granddaughter's 6th grade choir concert. Despite a slightly fuzzy picture, there she was—what a gift to enjoy the concert from our living room over two hours away!...

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The Art of Apology

The Art of Apology

                                                              I recently had the privilege of presenting a workshop titled "The Art of Apology."   I used the word...

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Deb Kalmbach

Deb Kalmbach is an author, speaker and life coach who considers herself an "expert" in not-so-perfect marriages. She's the first to admit that she's learned a lot the hard way!

Deb is passionate about encouraging and empowering women to take one step forward, then another to find healing and wholeness in their lives and marriages. Real hope for real life is what she strives to communicate to her readers. She also finds offering hope through coaching can make all the difference in the lives of women who are struggling in life and marriage.

Deb and her husband Randy can see the half-century milestone (a miracle!) for their marriage on the horizon. They are proud parents/grandparents of two grown sons, one daughter-in-law, and two adorable grandchildren. Deb and Randy reside in a quaint seaport in Washington state.

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Because I Said Forever

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