You’re Invited to a Global Event to Chart Your Course from Aspiring Author to Best-Seller and Beyond . . . And, It’s FREE Starting August 2!
Did you know that one of the best ways that an entrepreneur canstand out from the competition is to write a book?When you’re an author, you have a business card that lastsforever, sharing your message and wisdom with the world. Infact, a book is often your ticket to...
Love Never Fails!
I have a sign my friend Jenni painted for me that hangs in our living room. The message is simple, yet profoundly difficult: Love never fails, words from 1 Corinthians 13, the well-known love chapter in the Bible. I'm more keenly aware of the meaning as Randy and I...
In God’s Care
Last Sunday I had nursery duty at our church. I always enjoy taking my turn, because I remember how challenging it was trying to keep wriggling toddlers still for the duration of the service. Moms and dads really deserve a break on Sunday mornings. How much easier it...
It’s All in the Perspective
When Randy lost his job and career as an air traffic controller 16 years ago, we were suddenly thrust into a new world. Where we once had enough money, not only for the basics, but for extras, too, we now found ourselves in a position we hadn't known in a long...
If the Shoe Fits
I've been thinking about shoes a lot lately. My massage therapist had been hounding me about seeing a physical therapist who specializes in foot problems--and helping you become more balanced with solid support from your feet on up. So I finally made the...
Love the One You’re With
I recently received an email from a friend with the subject line: Our society has stooped to an all-time low. A link to a commercial shows a middle-aged couple in bed. The husband tosses and turns while the homely woman next to him snores. The tag-line states...
In Memoriam
A message on the reader board outside a Wenatchee, WA business last week simply said, "Pray for Mackenzie." I had heard on the radio that a 17-year-old girl named Mackenzie Cowell had gone missing in the Wenatchee area earlier in the week. By the time I saw the sign,...
Forever Changed, Forever Grateful
I was 18-years-old when I found out I was pregnant with our son, Chris. Randy and I were very much in love, and we were both excited about becoming parents, but fear of the unknown brought a lot of apprehension.Movies always showed women writhing in pain during...
Waiting for the Miracle
I heard the news the other day. A young couple in our community is divorced. Because we live in a small town, news like this touches everyone. I remembered only a few years ago when they were planning a wedding, bubbling over with excitement, love for each other...
The Most Expensive Christmas Tree Ever!
So I finally got the last of the Christmas decorations packed away. It seems to always take much longer to un-decorate, than to decorate, and as one of my friends pointed out, “Nothing ever fits back in the box!” How true!Before I leave the 2009 holiday season behind,...