Go in the Right Direction: 5 Steps to a Happily-Ever-After Marriage
When I got married at the tender age of eighteen, I had the most unrealistic expectations about marriage. I’d bought into our culture’s idea about love. In 1970 (which seems like eons ago), the trendy advice for couples was all you need is love...all together now! Or...
Greatness: Following the Example of Seven Extraordinary Women
Have you ever wondered what contributes to greatness in a person's life? I recently read Eric Metaxas' excellent book, Seven Women and the Secret of Their Greatness. Some of the women's stories were familiar: Joan of Arc, Susanna Wesley, Corrie ten Boom, Rosa Parks,...
Embracing Change When You Want Everything to Stay the Same
Sometimes it seems much longer than two months since we loaded the last items into our car and drove away from what has been home for 22 years. In many ways, I feel like like I'm on an extended vacation. Any day now, we'll drive those familiar country roads that have...
Surviving Your Spouse’s Alcoholism: Don’t Give Up 5 Minutes Before the Miracle!
The last thing you want to hear when you’re struggling with an alcoholic spouse is that it takes time for changes to happen. I remember feeling frustrated when A.A. friends told me, "Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle!" Five minutes?? Are you kidding? It's...
Leaving Home: New Amazing Awaits!
Starting a new chapter in my life has always been difficult. About twenty-three years ago, we put our house on the market in Auburn, Washington where we'd lived for more than a decade. I remember the ache I felt when I saw the "for sale" sign in our front yard. Two...
Surviving Your Spouse’s Alcoholism: Finding Courage to Be Yourself
What seems like a lifetime ago, I started attending Al-Anon because I was struggling to cope with my husband Randy's excessive drinking. I didn't know where to turn. Finally, I realized I needed help. At Al-Anon, I met a compassionate young woman who encouraged me to...
Thank you, Billy Graham: I’m One of the Lives You Touched
"We all have a Billy Graham story," one of his daughters said at his funeral last Friday. It's true. The Reverend Billy Graham touched countless lives during his decades of ministry, including mine. In 1979, I attended the Billy Graham Crusade on Okinawa, Japan. My...
Surviving Your Spouse’s Alcoholism: Friends for the Journey
God still sends angels: ones with skin, hair and belly laughs. Angels like our friend, Jim. I met him at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting where I was the speaker for Al-Anon. I remember feeling at a loss for encouraging words. My situation with Randy and his alcoholism...
Surviving Your Spouse’s Alcoholism: Boot Camp Basics
In my previous article about surviving your spouse's alcoholism, I compared the struggle with alcoholism to an intense battle. It certainly is a battle on multiple levels: spiritual, physical, emotional. At first, I didn't have a clue how to "fight" this battle. I...
The Most Expensive Christmas Tree Ever!
It's Christmas Eve and all through the house, not a creature is stirring--I hope not even a mouse! Our stockings are still hung up and since we celebrated Christmas on the 22nd, everything is way too quiet! But we had a wonderful celebration with our family--our son...