by Deb | blessings, dealing with stress, encouragement, gratitude |
How do you spell S-T-R-E-S-S? Well, for starters, how about coping with 8+ months of a pandemic? Sometimes I still feel like I’m in a surreal horror movie–only the one that’s been unfolding is all too real. Oh–and let’s not forget to add...
by Deb | blessings, encouragement, faith, friendship, gratitude, loving others |
A couple of months ago, Randy and I traveled to Austin, Texas for a reunion of the 15th TRS (Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron) which was stationed at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. We had an amazing time reconnecting with old friends. Most we hadn’t seen in...
by Deb | addiction, alcoholism, blessings, comfort, compassion, difficult relationships, God's faithfulness, gratitude, hope, love, loving others, marriage, perseverance, recovery, Uncategorized |
Several years ago, just before Christmas, my boss and his wife treated my co-workers and me to an afternoon of extravagance. Each of us was pampered with a massage, facial and manicure. As I lay on the massage table having the yummiest-smelling creams applied to my...
by Deb | blessings, faith, friendship, grace, gratitude |
When my mom had a mastectomy a couple of years ago, my dear friend Mary came to be with me. Mary arrived at the hospital after Mom came out of surgery. Seeing a familiar face felt so reassuring. I threw my arms around my friend. I knew I could walk through this...
by Deb | blessings, faith, Laura Story, peace, prayer, suffering |
Tonight when I was browsing on Facebook, I saw a post that I immediately shared on my timeline… words to a song by Laura Story called Blessings…What if your blessings come through raindrops? What if your healing comes through tears? What if a thousand...
by Deb | blessings, Dr. John Trent, faith, God's faithfulness, grace, hope, loving others, The Blessing Challenge |
I admit I’m a slow reader. Mostly because I wait until bedtime to crack open the latest book I’m reading. I usually don’t get far before my head is nodding and my husband nudges me and asks, “Are you asleep?”When I read A Place Called...